Check out our 2017 HOLIDAY hours @361clinic

We are available to provide the ONE degree of difference during the holidays.  Both massage and chiropractic services will be available. Book your holiday tune-up now!

@361clinic is kicking off the festive season with a “Reverse Advent Calendar”

On December 1st  we @361clinic are starting our own “Reverse Advent Calendar” where we will be collecting non-perishable food items until Sat. Dec 23rd.  Feel free to drop off your donation whenever you come in for an appointment. #food #festive #seasonofgiving #donating #nonperishable #Davisville #Toronto #MountPleasantVillage #reverseadventcalendar #everyday #simplegift #collectingfood #help #lessfortunate #itfeelsgoodtogive #361clinic #simpletask @Mount_Pleasant_Village […]

Friendly Reminder that you have 6 weeks left in 2017 to use up your insurance benefits

Treat your body and help you feel optimal with a massage, chiropractic or acupuncture treatment.  The calendar year is ticking away, and spots are booking up quickly!

Dr. Lopes is AWAY this weekend, Nov 18-19 for HOCKEY GOLD 2017

Dr. Lopes is acting as chairperson for the annual RCCSS(C) Eastern Conference.  This year’s theme is everything to do with hockey, from rehab to nutrition.