We congratulate Michelle, on her 14-year anniversary as a RMT!
Dr. Lopes will be away May 13-18 to take a DOULA Course
Our NEW @361clinic Fees go into effect on Monday, May 3, 2021
FYI: We are still OPEN during the Stay-At-Home measures and will be increasing our rates as of May 3, 2021
2021 Easter Long Weekend Hours
Finding LOVE everywhere on Family Day & Love Long Weekend!
We continue this LOVE weekend celebration today to mark FAMILY Day! This can be a very hard time considering many of us are not able to be around family & friends. This is a friendly reminder that you can find LOVE everywhere, just like Dr. Lopes did when she went it on one of her walks. She spotted this red ❤️ placed on this naked tree.
💗 Friend love
💗 Hobby love
💗 Nature love
💗 Online/Facetime friend love
💗 Pet love
💗 Gone but not forgotten love
💗 Book love
💗 Self love
💗 Family love (blood or chosen)
💗 The one who gives you butterflies & support love
💗The person who believes in you love
💗 Online community love
💗 Co-worker love
➡️ Let us know in the comments below where you have been finding the LOVE!
➡️ @361clinic is closed today for Family Day and will re-open Tues. Feb 16th.
📸 = @Through.Sweet.Mels.Eyes
#361clinic #FamilyDay #LoveWeekend #LoveLongWeekend #longweekend #findthelove #loveiseverywhere #closedtoday #holidayMonday #openTuesday
Let us know how your 361 experience has been through our new “Ratings & Reviews” feature!
We are still OPEN during the State of Emergency measures in Ontario
We will continue to operate using our COVID-19 prevention & disinfecting protocols.
We are still OPEN during the new Provincial Lockdown
We @361clinic enjoy showing how we love and care for all of you, with our ONE degree of difference.
As a friendly reminder, as regulated health professionals, we are still allowed to stay OPEN during the upcoming provincial lockdown! We will continue to operate as per usual, using our COVID clinic protocols.