361 availability for the Canada Day Long Weekend! We have some spots left!
Not sure what to do as prep for the Canada Day Long weekend? Maybe a tune-up is what you’ve been looking for!
For many, you may have Fri. June 30 or Mon. July 3 off. Plan accordingly with our availability below:
Dr. Lopes is available on Fri. June 30 & Mon. July 3 for the long weekend. NOTE: Her last day treating will be Thurs. July 13th before she leaves for @NAIG2023 in Nova Scotia.
Enrico will be back as of Tues. July 4th and every Tuesday after going forward. He has a few spots available on July 4th. Plan ahead!
Michelle is fully booked for the Long Weekend.
We will be closed over the weekend on July 1st & 2nd.
➡ We hope to be part of your kick-off to the summer season!