Dr. Lopes is volunteering at NCC WMA July 18-21, 2019
Dr. Lopes is volunteering as a Sports Chiropractor at the 2019 NCC WMA (North America, Central America & Caribbean World Masters Athletics) in Toronto, Canada from July 18 – 21.
Dr. Lopes is volunteering as a Sports Chiropractor at the 2019 NCC WMA (North America, Central America & Caribbean World Masters Athletics) in Toronto, Canada from July 18 – 21.
We @361clinic are proud to be Canadian and in celebration of Canada Day, we will be open till noon on Sat. June 29th. We will be closed Sun. Jun 30 – Tues. July 2 and will re-open for Wed. July 3.
Dr. Lopes will be away covering for a chiropractic colleague in Parry Sound on Tues. July 2 and will be back @361clinic in the afternoon on Wed. July 3.
Plan ahead and book your pre-long weekend tune-up NOW!
This week Dr. Melanie Lopes celebrates her 14th chiroversary! It was just 14 years ago when she became a chiropractor, and she still loves being part of the ONE degree of difference in your lives!
We too think it’s scrumdiddlyumptious!
“Do what you love, and you’ll never work another day in your life!”
#361clinic #14years #workversary #chiroversary #chiropractor #sportschiropractor #timesfliesby #whenyouarehavingfun #scrumdiddllyumptious #dowhatyoulove #ONEdegreeofdifference
We celebrate our @361clinic RMT Michelle Bastone on being in practice for 12 years! She’s not just a RMT, she also owns and teaches at her dance studio @LibertyDance, as well teaches at Oxford College!
WE APPRECIATE YOU and what you continue to bring to the team!
PS Happy early birthday to Michelle for tomorrow, June 15th!
Try out these stretches to keep you flexible & ready to cheer on the @TorontoRaptors tonight as they debut in the NBA Finals!
How are you prepping to cheer on @Raptors?
#361clinic #stretches #cheering #cheerstretches #pecs #lats #triceps#infraspinatus #arms #shoulders #back #flexbility #upperbody #back#mobility #motionislotion #Raptors #TorontoRaptors #NBA #basketball#Finals #NBAFinals #Playoffs #the6ix
Since we haven’t been experiencing any May flowers just yet, we bring you some wildflowers to usher in the month of May! It’s also @361clinic 7th anniversary of when we moved into @MountPleasantVillage and welcomed the community! We thank you for all your support & patronage as we have grown over the years! Cheers to many more years of growing with you!
Let us know how we have helped you and/or how we can provide you with the ONE degree of difference!(http://www.361clinic.com/)
#361clinic @Mt_Pleasant_BIA @Mount_Pleasant_Village#MountPleasantVillage #MPV #OurVillage #luckynumber7 #happy7#seven #thankyou #movedintothevillage #sevenyearsago #Toronto#Davisville #planningtogrow #onefloweratatime #Mayflowers#wildflowers #monthofMay #May #growingwithyou#onedegreeofdifference #feedback
Last week we celebrated Earth Day, but we tend to forget about our other “home”, our BODY! Take a moment and ask yourself what you’re doing to help both of your homes. We are here @361clinic to help you provide the ONE degree of difference for YOUR BODY!
A happy YOU – mentally, physically and emotionally, makes us and everyone around you happy!
#361clinic #reminder #home #Earth #YourBody #Body #mental#physical #emotional #wellbeing #selfcare #boundaries #rest #recover#PSA #takecare #wants #needs