With the month of May almost coming to an end, we wanted to give you a few updates for the month of June 2024 to help you plan out how your book your next visit at 361clinic!
CHIRO: Dr. Lopes is only available till Fri. May 31st before she goes away on her personal trip. If you require any chiro/acu services while she’s away, feel free to email her at drlopes@361clinic.com to be given some chiropractic colleagues she can refer you to. She will be back in action on Tues. July 2nd onwards. She will be accessible via email or texts to the clinic #647-874-2434 on an emergency basis, while she is away.
MICHELLE: We are fortunate that Michelle will be here with her constant presence and great hands for the month of June on Mon/Wed/Thurs. You can reach her at michelleRMT@361clinic.com if you have any questions.
SEAN: Sean will be taking some time off from June 7th-18th & 28th for some personal time away and family events. Please plan accordingly to get your RMT or FST sessions in. You can reach him at seanRMT@361clinic.com
NEWSLETTER: The weekly 361 newsletter will halt for the month of June. The last one that will be sent out will be on Fri. May 31st and will resume on Fri. July 5th. You can stay tuned to any updates by LIKING & FOLLOWING our @361clinic Facebook/IG/Twitter accounts to stay tuned of Dr. Lopes’ travels & more!
ONLINE BOOKING: You can continue to book online using our site [
https://361clinic.janeapp.com] to have a look ahead and plan your chiro/acu/RMT/FST session in at least up to 3 months in advance.
➡If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know!