12 Steps to Take Before your Upcoming RMT Appointment @361clinic

If you have an appointment coming up, we ask you to kindly read through these 12 Steps to familiarize yourself with the process before attending your appointment.

➡️ If you are interested in booking a massage, please email drlopes@361clinic.com to get on the list.

➡️If you have any questions or concerns regarding the new protocols we are implementing, please free to reach out to us.

➡️We appreciate all of your patience and understanding as we ensure that our entire @361clinic family is kept safe and sound as we resume RMT services.

Return of RMT (Registered Massage Therapy) services @361 as of July 15, 2020!

It’s a new month and we have some great news to share! Michelle, our RMT @361clinic will be resuming Registered Massage Therapy services on July 15th in a gradual manner.
➡️ We have already started to book patients in for July.
➡️ Those who have urgent needs, as well as those who have expressed interest, will be contacted to be screened and booked accordingly.
➡️ Those who had appointments scheduled while we were closed during the pandemic, will also be contacted to see if you would like to book an appointment.
➡️ Currently we will only be offering 30, 45 and 60 min bookings until further notice.
➡️ Please understand that Michelle has not been providing massage therapy for over 3.5 months, and so it will take some time to get back into the swing of things, as well as getting used to the new COVID-19 measures.
➡️ Michelle will add in more availability accordingly, evaluating how she feels with everything on a week-to-week basis. Follow our weekly e-newsletters to stay updated.
➡️ If you would like to be added to the RMT list to be contacted for an appointment, please email Dr. Lopes [drlopes@361clinic.com], listing your availability (preferred days/times) and length of desired massage.
➡️ We will be going through the list as quickly as we can. If we don’t hear back from you within 24 hours, we will offer the time slot to the next person on the list.
❤️ We thank you for your patience, understanding and support during these changing times!
❤️ Anyone else excited to see Michelle return back to @361clinic?????

HAPPY CANADA DAY! We are closed and will re-open on July 2nd!

 It’s the big 1-5-3 for 🇨🇦! Happy birthday Canada! Nothing better than a mid-week break, and what a great opportunity we have during this pandemic to explore our wonderful country! Enjoy these random fun facts about Canada!
➡️ NOTE: We @361clinic are closed today, and will re-open tomorrow Thursday, July 2nd.
* Canada has the longest coastline of any country in the world at 243,977 kilometres.
* We have 2 official languages: English & French
* The Accessible Canada Act, passed on 21 June 2019, recognized “American Sign Language (ASL), Quebec Sign Language and Indigenous sign languages (…) as the primary languages for communication by deaf persons in Canada.
* Montreal is the world’s second largest French speaking city after Paris.
* Canada has six time zones.
* The highest mountain in Canada is Mount Logan, Yukon Territory, 5959 metres (19,551 feet).
* Wasaga beach is the longest fresh water beach in the world.
* Regina, the capital of the prairie province of Saskatchewan, is the closest to the center of North America.
* Canada’s largest province (total land area) is Quebec, and the smallest is PEI.
* Nunavut takes up one fifth of Canada’s total land area.
* Manitoulin Island is the largest freshwater island in the world.
* The 2020 population of Canada is estimated at 37,742,154 people at mid year according to UN data.
➡️ There’s so many cool facts about Canada!
➡️ Are you going to go and explore new areas of this vast country?
#361clinic #Canada #HappyCanadaDay #153yearsold #midweekbreak #closedtoday #funfacts #exploreourhome #pandemicreasoning #vastcountry #provinces #territories #eh


Dr. Lopes celebrates 15 years of being a chiropractor today!

WoohooWednesday: 15 years ago today, Dr. Lopes crossed the stage to become a chiropractor after graduating from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC) in Toronto!
👩‍🎓After graduating from @CMCCNewsandEvents, she went on to complete her Sports Chiropractic Fellowship program.
👩‍🎓She initially covered various chiropractors while they were on maternity leave or vacation, and worked as an associate as well, before opening @361clinic 8 years ago.
👩‍🎓She added more tools to her tool-belt, including: Active Release Technique (ART), Graston technique, Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture, Taping and Cupping.
👩‍🎓She’s volunteered at various events over the years, but her most memorable experiences include her 2016 World Spine Care trip in the Dominican Republic, 2017 Canada Summer Games, 2017 Invictus Games and 2019 Winter Deaflympics.
👩‍🎓It’s hard to believe that 15 years have flown by so quickly! She is looking forward to her @361clinic vision coming to fruition as well as being a part of more international sports events such as the Commonwealth Games, Pan Am Games and soon enough an Olympic Games!
👩‍🎓Thank you for trusting in her capabilities! She enjoys having you all part of the 361 famila, and hopes to continue providing “Level Mel” care for years to come!
👩‍🎓To all her CMCC Class of 2005 classmates – CONGRATS and we’ll celebrate next year in 2021, when it is safe to do so!
#361clinic #drmelanielopes #chiropractor #workersary #workanniversary #fifteenyears #15years #timesfliesbywhenyourrehavingfun #volutneering #sportschiropractor #CMCC #CanadianMemorialChiropracticCollege #yearsofexperience #toolbelt #techniques #361family


Registered Massage Therapy Update!

Only 81 days later Dr. Lopes got to finally reunite with our RMT, Michelle, to discuss the new guidelines for Registered Massage Therapy (RMT).
➡️ Yes, most regulated health professionals got the go ahead to open late last week to gradually restart. However, the guidelines were changing for massage therapy on a day-to-day basis.
➡️ It is up to both the regulated health professional and the clinic to determine when each party is fully ready to open up. At this present time, we are open just for CHIROPRACTIC & ACUPUNCTURE services by Dr. Lopes.
➡️ We will now take this time to ensure that we @361clinic are ready to welcome you back in a safe manner for RMT.
➡️ When booking appointments for RMT, we will be giving priority to those whose appointments were cancelled due to our pandemic closure, as well as to those who are deemed emergent.
➡️ When we are ready to receive appointments, we will announce it on our @361clinic social media channels, website and our weekly e-newsletter.
💗💗💗 We know you are all super eager to receive the hands-on care from Michelle, but we want to ensure that both she and our 361 family feel as safe as possible. We thank you for your patience and can’t wait to have you back!💗💗💗

Dr. Lopes has go the ahead to start CHIROORACTIC services as of Thursday, May 28th!

Late last night we got the GREEN light to gradually restart “all deferred and non-essential and elective services” for CHIROPRACTORS.
🔥Since this is very short notice, we will start with a soft opening, starting Thursday, May 28th through to the morning of Saturday, May 30th.
➡️ Please be patient as we anticipate many of you will be wanting to book in for a treatment. We will get to you ASAP!
➡️ We ask you to please email: drlopes@361clinic.com OR call the clinic [647] 874-2434 to book your appointments.
➡️ Screening by phone or email will have to be done before any appointment is booked.
➡️ Stay tuned tomorrow for “10 Steps to Follow Before your Appointment at 361 Degrees Chiropractic Sports & Wellness“.
➡️ As of late May 26th, we have not heard any directive with respect to Registered Massage Therapy. Please stay tuned.
Stay tuned to this Friday’s e-newsletter for any further updates.
We are just rolling with how quickly things are changing, and did not anticipate this announcement close to 9pm last night 😮!
Dr. Melanie Lopes is looking forward to seeing you all (with a mask) after the 72 day hiatus 😉!

Update on re-opening status for @361clinic during this pandemic

We have been receiving many messages lately asking if we @361clinic are open yet. We appreciate that you are all eager to get some hands-on care, as much as we are waiting to provide it! We can’t wait to reunite with everyone and play catch-up from the last 2 months!

💥 As of today we are closed, but only open to treat urgent cases with chiropractic care.

💥 Our chiropractic & massage Colleges have not yet published a return to work directive yet. But we anticipate good news soon after the long weekend (hopefully).

💥4 other provinces, Saskatchewan, Alberta, PEI & Manitoba have been given return to work directives & requirements effective May 4, 2020. So fingers crossed that Ontario’s announcement will be coming soon!

💥 We are also awaiting a required list of PPE (personal protective equipment) to ensure we provide the safest environment for everyone we come in contact with.

💥 Just like everywhere else, when we do re-open we will most likely have measures that limit the amount of patients that can enter at any given time, and to allow for enough time to sanitize the treating and common areas in between patients.

💥 We are currently not booking any patients in advance, but we will make sure that you all get in for chiropractic, massage therapy and/or acupuncture as soon as it is possible.

➡️ Stay tuned to our website [www.361clinic.com], and our @361clinic Facebook, Instagram and Twitter feeds for more updates.

What are you looking forward to receiving the most @361clinic
right about now?

361° Family Feature: Who is Dr. Melanie Lopes?

It’s time again to refresh your memory of one of our @361clinic family members, Dr. Melanie Lopes.

Here are a few things to get know her a bit better:

😊 She’s been in practice for 15 years and got her Sports Chiropractic Fellowship in 2011.

😊 She started @361clinic 8 years ago in @MountPleasantVillage

😊She loves to volunteer whether it’s at a running clinic, as a chiropractor in Dominican Republic with @WorldSpineCare or events such as the 2017 Canada Summer Games, 2017 Invictus Games & 2019 Winter Deaflympics.

😊She loves to travel and create her own adventures. Some of her most memorable trips were a 5 week trip through Central America in 2011, her 2018 Camino Portuguese and her 2018 birthday trip to her parents birthplace, Kenya.

😊In Fall 2014 she applied with her friend Stephanie for “Amazing Race Canada” but they didn’t get chosen 

😊 If you haven’t experienced any of her costume shenanigans, take a look at some of the costumes from this past decade. Any opportunity she has to dress up, she will take is and make her own DIY costume!

😊She learned to play the accordion at the age of 6 and continued till she was 13 years of age.

😊 Things she loves to do: walking, running, salsa dancing, eating food, learning ASL & Spanish, watching soccer (especially around World Cup & Euro time).

😊 She enjoys bringing a smile to anyone’s face even if it’s at the expense of herself! #GlassHalfFullTypeofGal

Did you learn anything new about Melanie today? She hasn’t forgotten all of her @361clinic family members and eagerly awaits the upcoming reunion in hopefully a few weeks!

361 Family Feature: Our 2nd RMT, Pred

4 weeks of this COVID-19 pandemic have passed, so just to make sure you haven’t forgotten about us, here’s our next #FamilyFeature! It’s time to reacquaint you with one of our other faces @361clinic, our other Registered Massage Therapist (RMT), Predrag Drzaljevic (aka Pred).

💥 He’s been keeping busy at home spending time with his wife and 2 kids (10 years old and 3 months). He is planning on finishing reading some books that he’s had on his to-do list and wants to level up his cooking & baking skills.

Here are a few things to get to know Pred a little better:

➡️ He has been in practice for 2 years as a RMT

➡️ He works at 2 other clinics in addition to @361clinic

➡️ He started as a RMT @361clinic in March 2020, just
before the pandemic started.

➡️ He graduated from the University College Birmingham (in
the UK) with a Foundation Degree of Science in Sports
Therapy in 2015

➡️ He speaks 3 languages: English, Serbian & Croatian

➡️ He is very passionate about cooking and baking

We are happy to have Pred join our 361 familia and look forward to his return in the very near future!

Anyone needing a massage, cinnamon roll OR both, right about now???

We are closed for April 2020 and Will Take it 1 Day at a Time

We @361clinic are just going to go with the flow and take it one day at a time during this pandemic.

➡️ We will be closed for the month of April and we will be re-
evaluating the situation on a week-to-week basis.

➡️ We will inform you the second that we are allowed to re-
open our doors.

🔥🔥🔥Just as a reminder, if you have any health-related
questions/concerns and/or if you have any emergent
needs, Dr. Lopes is available. 🔥🔥🔥

➡️➡️➡️Reach out via email 📧, social media 📢 or the good
old phone ☎️!

We are with you every step of the way ❤️