August 6, 2021: Dr. Lopes Supported her 1st Birth today as a BIRTH DOULA!

Dr. Lopes stepped away from @361clinic this morning to go and support her 1st birth as Birth Doula!
Reposted from @drmelanielopes 🥳 I thought today was going to be a memorable day because there was going to be a lot of medal dreams about to happen at the @tokyo2020 Olympics, but I was wrong!
🥳 Today, August 6, 2021, I got to support my 1st birth as a Birth Doula candidate, at a home birth.
🥳 Today our population increased by 1 because this 9.5lbs baby boy (name TBD) came into this world at 12:10pm!
🥳 After watching and supporting this birth experience since this morning, all I can say is WOW! This mother was fearless and made the whole process look so easy! If I could, I would’ve given her a gold 🥇 medal too!
🥳 KUDOS to the supportive birth partner, and their team of midwives from Riverdale Midwives, for making this the best 1st birth I could ask for!
🥳I haven’t had a moment to fully process what happened today, because I was able to return back to work @361clinic later this afternoon.
🥳 Thanks to my patients who were flexible and understanding about the last minute rescheduling of your appointments, to allow me to go and support my 1st birth!
🥳 Happy birthday Baby X, and thank you to his parents for trusting me in helping them with their experience.
➡️ NOTE: the parents gave me permission to share these 📸. More pics will be shared on my @through.sweet.mels.eyes page.

Dr. Lopes celebrates her “Sweet 16” Chiroversary!

On this day 16 years ago, @DrMelanieLopes graduated to become a Chiropractor. Today she marks her “Sweet 16” which involves many great events and experiences including:
🤩 In 2015 she volunteered at her first international event as a host therapist, which was here in Toronto at the 2015 Pan Am & ParaPan Am Games.
🤩 With the Canadian Deaf Sports Association (@assccdsa) when she got to volunteer with the Canadian Deaf Track team in 2015 at a training camp in Toronto.
🤩 In 2016 when she volunteered at a clinic with @WorldSpineCare in Moca, Dominican Republic, where she got to improve her Spanish & use her chiro skills.
🤩 In 2016 when she worked with @AthleticsOnt for their winter training camp in Florida.
🤩 In the summer of 2017 when she got selected for her 1st time as a Sports Chiropractor to be on the Core team, to provide care at the 2017 Summer @CanadaGames in Winnipeg, MB.  It was her first Minor Games experience and definitely one that she’ll never forget! @austincole_98
🤩 In 2017 she was a Team Leader for the @InvictusToronto Games 2017 at the Power Lifting venue. This was also a memorable and one-of-a-kind experience.
🤩 In 2019, she was part of the Core Health Team at the 2019 Winter @CanadaGames in Red Deer, Alberta.
🤩 Her last major event before the pandemic hit was in December 2019 when she volunteered with the Canadian Deaf Sports Association (@assccdsa) Ski & Snowboard team at @2019WinterDeaflymipcsItaly in Valtellina-Valchiavenna. I got to use my ASL & Sports chiro skills all at once for my 1st Deaf International sport event!
🤩 She can’t believe 16 years have flown by, and each year she enjoys learning and applying new information and techniques both with her patients @361clinic and on the field.
➡️ What does she hope to achieve next (in no particular order)? Move @361clinic to a larger space, volunteer at a Commonwealth Games, PanAm Games, Summer Deaflympics, Olympic Games, and help her @361clinic family achieve all of their personal goals!
➡️ Here’s to many more years of service to help provide that ONE degree of difference!

We congratulate Michelle, on her 14-year anniversary as a RMT!

Today we congratulate, Michelle Bastone, one of our RMT’s @361clinic for 14 years in practice this month, and it was her birthday on June 15th!  
🥳 She is off this week to take some well-deserved time off before returning back on Mon. June 21st.
🥳 We are super grateful to have such an experienced RMT, who has been with us since we started 9 years ago!
🥳 From the @361clinic family, we thank you for your great service, and providing so many patients with that extra ONE degree of difference!
🥳 Cheers and enjoy the rest of your birthday week!

Dr. Lopes will be away May 13-18 to take a DOULA Course

Dr. Lopes has started to read these books, not just because she enjoys treating her pregnant patients, but because she’ll be taking a course starting next week.  From May 13-18 she will be away to take a @donaintl “Combined Birth & Postpartum Doula Training“. So, what is a DOULA anyways?
🤱 First off, a Doula is NOT a regulated health professional, like a Midwife or OBGYN is. A Doula does not have medical training — she’s there to serve as a soothing voice of experience, help with relaxation techniques and breathing exercises, as well as offer advice on labor positions. Many families choose to have a Doula along with their Midwife OR OBGYN, to help offer that extra support.
🤱  DOULA:  “A trained professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to a mother before, during and shortly after childbirth to help her achieve the healthiest, most satisfying experience possible.”
🤱 She will learn skills necessary to support families during pregnancy, childbirth and through to the first three months postpartum, and will focus on prenatal support, scope of a Birth & Postpartum Doula, normal newborn behaviours and cues, postpartum adjustment, and typical questions and concerns that new families may experience.
🤱 A Doula is a professional pregnancy companion whose goal is to help families have a safe, healthy and positive labour experience.
🤱 Dr. Lopes has a passion for working with her patients during the prenatal & postnatal period, and everything in between.  She plans on using her new found information/skills to help empower mamas and nurture families.
🤱 So, please plan ahead to book around her course dates, if you would like a chiropractic appointment.
🤱 Stay tuned to see how this DOULA journey unravels next week!

Our NEW @361clinic Fees go into effect on Monday, May 3, 2021

This is just a friendly reminder that our NEW treatment fees will come into effect this coming Monday, May 3, 2021. You will find our updated chiropractic, acupuncture, RMT, hot stone massage and cupping fees posted below.  The treatments highlighted in yellow, are the most common types of treatment that we do here @361clinic .
🥰 We still aim to provide our ONE degree of difference, just like we’ve done for the past 9 years at Mount Pleasant Village!
🥰 If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us.
Check out our Facebook/Instagram/Twitter @361clinic accounts for an updated price list.  Our website will be updated with the new information shortly.

FYI: We are still OPEN during the Stay-At-Home measures and will be increasing our rates as of May 3, 2021

It’s been just over 4 years since we last made any changes to our treatment prices. So, effective, May 3, 2021, our prices will be going up for all services provided @361clinic.
🤓 Our new rates will be shared in one of our upcoming 361 e-newsletters, and our website will be updated along with a sign posted upon entry to the clinic in the coming weeks.
🤓 We value the services that we provide to you, and will continue to strive to do our very best, like we have been doing for the past 9 years in @MountPleasantVillage.
🤓 FYI: Despite the new Stay-At-Home orders effective today, we are grateful that as Regulated Health Professionals, we are still OPEN and available to provide our services.
🤓 We will continue to follow our COVID-19 protocols to ensure we provide a safe environment for both our staff and patients.
🤓 If you have any questions about any of the above, please do not hesitate to reach out to us!

2021 Easter Long Weekend Hours

We will be CLOSED from Fri. April 2 to Sun. April 4 for the Easter Long weekend.
Dr. Lopes will be back in action on Easter Monday, April 5th!
😂 Check out Friday’s @361clinic e-newsletter for our upcoming chiropractic/acupuncture/RMT availability!
😂 These intricately painted wooden eggs were gifted to Dr. Lopes from her childhood neighbours, who are Czech. Děkuji!

Finding LOVE everywhere on Family Day & Love Long Weekend!

We continue this LOVE weekend celebration today to mark FAMILY Day! This can be a very hard time considering many of us are not able to be around family & friends. This is a friendly reminder that you can find LOVE everywhere, just like Dr. Lopes did when she went it on one of her walks. She spotted this red ❤️ placed on this naked tree.


💗 Friend love
💗 Hobby love
💗 Nature love
💗 Online/Facetime friend love
💗 Pet love
💗 Gone but not forgotten love
💗 Book love
💗 Self love
💗 Family love (blood or chosen)
💗 The one who gives you butterflies & support love
💗The person who believes in you love
💗 Online community love
💗 Co-worker love

➡️ Let us know in the comments below where you have been finding the LOVE!

➡️ @361clinic is closed today for Family Day and will re-open Tues. Feb 16th.
📸 = @Through.Sweet.Mels.Eyes
#361clinic #FamilyDay #LoveWeekend #LoveLongWeekend #longweekend #findthelove #loveiseverywhere #closedtoday #holidayMonday #openTuesday

Let us know how your 361 experience has been through our new “Ratings & Reviews” feature!

We would like to let our @361clinic community know that we have recently started using the “Ratings & Reviews” option on our @janerunsclinics online record systems. Starting February 1st, you will receive an email after your massage/chiro/acupuncture appointment asking for your feedback as to how your experience was.
🙂 Whether you’re a new patient or a long time patient of ours, we would love to hear your feedback, whether it’s good or constructive suggestions on how we can improve your experience. Your feedback will be kept as an internal review that will only be reviewed by our owner and staff members.
🙂 If you feel compelled to share your reviews outside of the internal system, you will have the easy option to COPY and PASTE your review into our @361clinic Google Review page to share your experience with the rest of the public.
🙂 You will receive a “Ratings & Review” email about 3 hours after your appointment.
🙂 You also have the option to opt out of receiving these emails, by logging into your JANE account, deselect the box in your profile for these emails.
🙂 It’s quite simple to use, and we hope that by having this barometer, we can ensure that we are helping to meet your needs and expectations.
🙂 Have a look at this video that describes how the process works:
🙂 We look forward to hearing what you have to say about your experience(s) @361clinic!

We are still OPEN during the State of Emergency measures in Ontario

FYI:  We @361clinic are still open during the upcoming new State of Emergency starting Thurs. Jan 14/21.
As regulated health professions, we are allowed to continue to provide chiropractic, acupuncture and registered massage therapy services.

We will continue to operate using our COVID-19 prevention & disinfecting protocols.

Feel free to contact us if you would like to book an appointment.