What to know while Dr. Lopes is away starting Fri. Feb 25th
Dr. Melanie Lopes will be AWAY Feb 25-March 25 for her Cousin’s Wedding! Please plan ahead!
FYI: We are still OPEN during the restrictions imposed in Ontario as of January 5, 2022

HAPPY NEW YEAR! It’s time to make some new memories in 2022!

@361clinic Holiday Hours for your end of 2021 tune-up
We will be open during the holidays to provide chiropractic, acupuncture and registered massage therapy services! We will provide some availability from Dec 20th – 31st. Please plan ahead and send us a DM to book your end of the year tune-up!
🎅 Michelle is fully booked for the remainder of the year and is already booking into January & February 2022. She is off during the last week of December and 1st week of January, returning on January 10th.
🎅 As a reminder, Oriana’s last day with us @361clinic will be Thurs. Dec 23rd.
🎅 Leslie has been of great help to help with our end of the year rush and has been well received by some of our regular patients. He has additional availability right up until December 31st and is also booking into January 2022.
🎅 Dr. Lopes will be available right through the holidays, other than the days noted on the chart.
🎅 Treat yourself! You deserve some TLC for having survived and thrived during 2021! Let us be your holiday gift to yourself!
#361clinic #Toronto #Davisville #onedegreeofdifference #holidays #holidayhours #getready #endofyear #treatments #chiropractic #sportschiropractic #RMT #registeredmassagetherapy #acupuncture #treatyourself #TLC #booknow #dontwait #lastspots #lastspotsfortheyear #2021 #lasttwoweeks #appointments #MountPleasantVillage
We say farewell to one of our RMT’s Oriana on December 23, 2021
We wanted to let you know that Oriana’s last day @361clinic will be on Thurs. Dec 23rd. She has moved further South-east in Toronto which has made for a longer commute, plus she wants to pursue teaching more yoga classes.
😢 Oriana, we thank you for your over 15 months of providing massage therapy to our 361 family and wish you all the best in your future endeavours.
😢 If you want to book in with Oriana before she leaves, she still has a few spots remaining for the remainder of December 2021.
😢 On a positive note, Leslie, one of our RMT’s has availability for the rest of the month, including during the holidays!
😢 Please plan ahead and book your December treatments ASAP!
Welcome to LESLIE! Our newest addition to our RMT team!
We are happy to announce that our @361clinic family is expanding to help provide you with the ONE degree of difference. We are adding on Leslie Bellack as another RMT just as we get into the end of the year rush! To give you an added boost of confidence, one of our other RMT’s Michelle received a demo massage from him and gave him 2 thumbs up! Let’s learn about Leslie:
Dr. Lopes was away Sept 23-26 to support her 1st sports event for 2021!