August Long Weekend 2023 Availability @361clinic

Here we are at our next Summer Long weekend!  

➡Reminder, Dr. Lopes is fully booked for today, Fri Aug 4th, and her next spot will be on Tues. Aug 8th.
➡We have massage availability with Enrico, on Tues Aug 8th between 11am-4:45pm & 6:15pm.
➡We will be CLOSED Sat. Aug 5th through to Mon. Aug 7th and will re-open on Tues. Aug 8th .
🥳Enjoy your long weekend whether you do a staycation, vacation or just spending time enjoying your own company.

361 availability for the Canada Day Long Weekend! We have some spots left!

Not sure what to do as prep for the Canada Day Long weekend? Maybe a tune-up is what you’ve been looking for!

For many, you may have Fri. June 30 or Mon. July 3 off. Plan accordingly with our availability below:

Dr. Lopes is available on Fri. June 30 & Mon. July 3 for the long weekend. NOTE: Her last day treating will be Thurs. July 13th before she leaves for @NAIG2023 in Nova Scotia.

Enrico will be back as of Tues. July 4th and every Tuesday after going forward. He has a few spots available on July 4th. Plan ahead!

Michelle is fully booked for the Long Weekend.

We will be closed over the weekend on July 1st & 2nd.

➡ We hope to be part of your kick-off to the summer season!

Dr. Lopes will be going back out East to volunteer at NAIG 2023! She’ll be leaving on July 14th!

Pjila’si = means welcome in the Mi’kmaq language. Dr. Lopes is hoping to use some of the new words she’s learned from this Indigenous language because she has been selected to volunteer as a Sports Chiropractor at the upcoming @NAIG 2023 (North American Indigenous Games) in Halifax, Nova Scotia!

➡ Dr. Lopes will be working right up until the morning of her departure date, Fri. July 14th, and will be adding on some days to explore Nova Scotia, since this will be her first time in this province. She’ll return back to @361clinic on Mon. July 31st.

➡The North American Indigenous Games (NAIG) 2023 will bring together more than 5,200 athletes, coaches and team staff from 756 Indigenous Nations celebrating, sharing and reconnecting through sport and culture with the help of 3,000 volunteers.

➡The 10th North American Indigenous Games will host competitions in 16 sports within 21 venues and 52 fields of play across Kjipuktuk (Halifax), Dartmouth and Millbrook First Nation. Competition will begin July 15 and run through the 23rd of July.

➡Stay tuned to learn more about this upcoming event, and follow along to see what Dr. Lopes gets up to in a month’s time! We hope to share some of the cultural information that she has learned about as part of her training for this event.

➡Plan ahead and book your chiro appointments accordingly!

361 will be closed for the May Long Weekend from May 19th – 22nd

Just a heads up that we will be closed for the May Long weekend Fri May 19 – Mon. May 22! We will re-open on Tues. May 23rd with both Dr. Lopes and Enrico available that day.
🥳We will be ready to help you out after the Long Weekend in case you slept in and ended up in an awkward position OR opened up the cottage and strained something OR felt added tension after camping.
🥳Whether you have a staycation or vacation, we hope you have a restful and rejuvenating May Long weekend!
➡What will you be up to over the Long Weekend?

You are worthy of rest! The 361 team will be taking some time off between May-June

This is a friendly reminder that you are not a machine. You’re supposed to take breaks. You deserve rest.  With that being said, take note of the following time off that our @361clinic staff will be taking over the next few weeks, and plan accordingly:
😌 Dr. Lopes will be out of office May 12-19th.
😌 Michelle will be out of office the week of May 29th for 1 week.
😌 Enrico will be out of office for the entire month of June and will return as of Tues. July 4th.
➡Are you taking any time off for a staycation or vacation?

Woohoo we’re 11 years old today!

11 years ago, today, on May 1st @361clinic moved into @Mt_Pleasant_BIA and set up shop and the rest is history! We are grateful to all of you who have worked with 361 to be part of our 361 family!
🥳As Winston Churchill once said “If you find a job you love, you’ll never work again!”
🥳@361clinic we love meeting new people, hearing their stories, learning new things and helping you in some one way or another to live your lives optimally!  
🥳Do you have any special moments, memories or laughs that you’ve experienced over the years at 361?
🥳 We look forward to many more years of providing that “ONE” degree of difference!

Dr. Lopes will be taking a breather from May 12-19th! Please plan ahead!

 Just a quick heads up that Dr. Lopes will be taking a breather, and will be out of the office from Fri. May 12-Fri May 19th.  She will return to seeing patients after the May Long Weekend, on Tues. May 23rd.
😌If you’re running the Sporting Life 10K and want a tune-up before she leaves, or running the Ottawa Half/Full marathon at the end of May, book your tune-up upon her return.
😌During this breather, she will be unplugging as much as possible.  Please expect a delayed response time and she’ll get back to you when she plugs back in.

Easter 2023 Long Weekend – Hours & Availability

We do care about you a lot!  So much so, that we have some availability of services at @361clinic over the Easter Long Weekend!  Check below to see when we’re open and what services we will be offering:
Fri. April  7 – CLOSED for Good Friday
Sat. April 8 – OPEN 8:30am-12:30pm for Chiropractic care
Sun. April 9 – CLOSED for Easter
Mon. April 10 – OPEN 9am-7pm EASTER MONDAY for Chiropractic Care
Tues. April 11 – OPEN regular hours for RMT with Enrico and Chiro with Dr. Lopes
We hope you all enjoy the long weekend, however you may be celebrating it, whether it be with religious services, great food, down time, or just enjoying some good ol’ chocolate!

Learn about what Dr. Lopes will be doing in PEI in less than 2 weeks!

T-11 days till Dr. Lopes leaves for the @2023.CanadaGames in Charlottetown, PEI!  She will be working right till the day of departure on Fri. Feb 17th and returns back on Mon March 6th, and will be available that afternoon. Learn more about her role and what these Games are all about!
🍁 These Games will bring together 3,600 athletes across 20 different sports, for the largest multi-sport event in the country.
🍁 The Canada Winter Games happens every 4 years. The last Winter Games were held in Red Deer, Alberta in 2019, and that’s where Dr. Lopes had her first winter games experience.
🍁 This will be Dr. Lopes’ 2nd Canada Winter Games, and she is pumped to get back into this setting and volunteering as a Sports Chiropractor.
🍁 Volunteering involves working as a Sports Chiropractor at the Polyclinic, where you work as a team with Sports MD’s, Sport PT’s, AT’s, Sports RMT’s and more, to help the athletes.
🍁 In addition, her skills as Sports First Responders are used, where she will be assigned to various venues, to provide emergency care before, during and after competition.  This may mean working indoors in the venue taping an athlete or treating them in between competition, OR outside in the elements to help with any emergency care.
🍁 Stay tuned here to follow along with her journey in the East Coast!

Dr. Lopes has been selected as a Sports Chiropractor for the 2023 Canada Winter Games

Dr. Lopes is excited to be chosen as a Sports Chiropractor to volunteer at the 2023 @CanadaGames in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island (PEI). This will be her first Minor Games to attend in 4 years since Feb 2019, and her 2nd Canada Winter Games, and she is pumped!
🍁 Not sure what the Canada Winter Games are? It is a 2-week event showcasing the very best in Canadian sport!
🍁 What does Sidney Crosby, Hayley Wickenheiser, Clara Hughes, Jennifer Heil and Lennox Lewis, Chandra Crawford, Catriona Le May Doan and Jennifer Jones have in common? They were all Canadian Winer Olympic athletes who initially started their career at a Canada Winter Games before making it to the big stage!
🍁 So, the athletes you see at these 2023 games could potentially be seen at the upcoming Winter Olympics in Milano Cortina 2026 in Italy!
🍁 The 2023 games will feature 3,600 participants, 20 different sports, 26 disciplines, and 174 events – it all adds up to the biggest event in our province’s history.
🍁 Dr. Lopes will be available for the next month, right up until the day of her departure on Fri. Feb 17th, and will return on Mon. March 6th.
🍁 Please plan ahead and stay tuned to learn more about what volunteering at CWG 2023 will entail!