July 1, 2017 – @361clinic Canada Day Long Weekend Hours

We are fully booked for massage leading up to the Canada Day Long Weekend.

We have chiropractic spots during the morning of Sat. July 1 (Canada Day) and on Mon. July 3 (Statutory Holiday) 830am-12noon.

Enjoy the long weekend!

June 26, 2017 Dr. Lopes kicked off her 1st Summer Running Room Clinic Talk!

On a nice warm Monday evening, Dr. Lopes went over to the Yonge St. Running Room to do an informative talk on injury prevention, joined the group for a 5km and followed it with a full body stretch session.  It was a great group with lots of questions on how they can prepare their bodies for running.

June 2017 Our RMT & Sports Chiropractor Celebrate 22 years of combined service

In the month of June our RMT, Michelle Bastone celebrated 10 years working as as massage therapist and Dr. Lopes celebrated 12 years of being a chiropractor.  Combined @361clinic we have 22 years of experience! Here’s to many more years of providing the ONE degree of difference.

May 4, 2017 Dr. Lopes teaching at the York Mills Running Room 10km clinic

Dr. Lopes visited the York Mills Running Room on a soggy evening, but was pleasantly surprised by the enthusiastic group.  After an informative talk on injury prevention Dr. Lopes joined in a run withe group and then went through a full body stretch session with the runners.

Dr. Lopes out with the 10km clinic at the York Mills Running Room.

Dr. Lopes out with the 10km clinic at the York Mills Running Room.

Dr. Lopes off to to review and learn new taping techniques – April 29, 2017

Dr. Lopes was off on Saturday, April 29, 2017 to take a TAPING COURSE where she got to review and learn new taping techniques.  She reviewed the uses of athletic tape, kin tape, leukotape and so much more.  Come by @361clinic to get TAPED up!

Dr. Lopes was off to learn and review TAPING techniques.

Dr. Lopes was off to learn and review TAPING techniques.

Dr. Lopes out for her first SPRING talks at the York Mills Running Room – April 24 & May 4, 2017

Dr. Lopes was out with the Learn to Run & 5km clinics  on April 24, 2017 and then back again for the 10km clinic on May 4, 2017 at the York Mills Running Room.  It was great to get out there and enjoy the warmer weather with the groups.

Learn to Run/5km & 10km run clinics at the York Mills Running Room.

Learn to Run/5km & 10km run clinics at the York Mills Running Room.

Dr. Lopes AWAY for Athletics Canada East Hub Throwing Training Camp 2017

Dr. Lopes was away March 23 – April 5, 2017 for the Athletics Canada East Hub Throwing Training Camp.  This was the first time she has travelled with Athletics Canada as a sports chiropractor.  Athletes competing in hammer throw, javelin and shot put attended the camp under Head Coach, Richard Parkinson.  The training took place mainly at IMG Academy in Bradenton, Florida and ended with the athletes competing at the 2017 Florida Relays at the University of Florida.

Dr. Lopes treating some the Athletics Canada throwing athletes.

Dr. Lopes treating some the Athletics Canada throwing athletes.

March 9, 2017 @361clinic launched their new and improved website!

We launched our new and improved website on March 9, 2017.  A big thanks goes out to DECOSTA Inc. for all their help and guidance in revamping our website!  Have a look and let us know what you think!

@361clinic revamped website is launched March 9, 2017!

@361clinic revamped website is launched March 9, 2017!

Dr. Lopes out for the 2nd Running Room Talk of 2017 @ Yonge St. Running Room

Dr. Lopes had a great speaking with the Learn to Run & 5km clinics at the Yonge St. Running Room on February 27, 2017.  They were all receptive to learning tips and tricks to help prevent any injury.

2nd talk of 2017, this time at the Yonge St Running room.

2nd talk of 2017, this time at the Yonge St Running room.


Dr. Lopes was away for the ATHLETICS ONTARIO Winter Training Camp 2016

Dr. Lopes was away from December 23, 2016 – January 5, 2017 to work as a sports chiropractor for the ATHLETICS ONTARIO Winter Training Camp.  The camp took place at the National Training Centre in Clermont, Florida.  With over 50 athletes from varying track & field disciplines and 8 coaches, it was a busy camp.

Dr. Lopes treating track & field athletes at the National Training Centre in Clermont, Florida.

Dr. Lopes treating track & field athletes at the National Training Centre in Clermont, Florida.
