2018 Family Day Long Weekend Hours @361clinic

We will be open on Fri. Feb 16 & the morning of Sat. Feb 17 till 1pm.  We will be closed on Mon. Feb 19 (Family Day) to spend time with family and friends.  Feel free to message us on the “Contact Us” page to book your massage/chiropractic/acupuncture appointments.

We will re-open on Tues. Feb 20 to help provide the “ONE degree of difference”.

We wish you a great Family Day Long Weekend!

Say “Olive YOU” to someone by giving them a @361clinic Gift Certificate!

To help mark Valentine’s Day & Family Day this coming week, why not show someone that you care about them by getting them a @361clinic gift certificate for massage therapy, chiropractic or acupuncture treatment?  Email:  drlopes@361clinic.com if you would like to order a gift certificate.  SPREAD THE LOVE!

New Year = Trying Something New! 361° has gone paperless as of Jan 2, 2018!

We @361clinic chose to start the new year with a change, by switching over to “JANE”! We are very excited to make this change to this paperless system!  All scheduling, invoicing, charting, and treatment reminders will be automated through this one fantabulous system.

2017 was a great year for @361clinic! Take a look back at some of our highlights!

We looked back at our fantabulous year for @361clinic & look forward to even more excitement next year!

Here are some of the great things that transpired during our 2017:

*We went LIVE with our newly revamped website (www.361clinic.com)

*Dr. Lopes volunteered at the North American Indigenous Games, Toronto Triathlon Festival, Canada Summer Games & Invictus Games

*Dr. Lopes travelled with Athletics Canada for a Throwing Camp in Florida

*Michelle & Dr. Lopes celebrated their 10 & 12 year work anniversary as a RMT and chiropractor respectively

*We celebrated 5 years of 361 Degrees Chiropractic Sports & Wellness providing the ONE degree of difference in Mount Pleasant Village BIA

Check out our 2017 HOLIDAY hours @361clinic

We are available to provide the ONE degree of difference during the holidays.  Both massage and chiropractic services will be available.

Book your holiday tune-up now!

@361clinic is kicking off the festive season with a “Reverse Advent Calendar”

On December 1st  we @361clinic are starting our own “Reverse Advent Calendar” where we will be collecting non-perishable food items until Sat. Dec 23rd.  Feel free to drop off your donation whenever you come in for an appointment.

#food #festive #seasonofgiving #donating #nonperishable #Davisville #Toronto #MountPleasantVillage #reverseadventcalendar #everyday #simplegift #collectingfood #help #lessfortunate #itfeelsgoodtogive #361clinic #simpletask @Mount_Pleasant_Village #chiroappointment #massageappointment #acupunctureappointent #bringsomethingin #onedegreeofdifference

Friendly Reminder that you have 6 weeks left in 2017 to use up your insurance benefits

Treat your body and help you feel optimal with a massage, chiropractic or acupuncture treatment.  The calendar year is ticking away, and spots are booking up quickly!

Dr. Lopes is AWAY this weekend, Nov 18-19 for HOCKEY GOLD 2017

Dr. Lopes is acting as chairperson for the annual RCCSS(C) Eastern Conference.  This year’s theme is everything to do with hockey, from rehab to nutrition.

Dr. Lopes is excited to be volunteering at the 2017 INVICTUS GAMES

What’s all the buzz about @InvictusToronto? It starts this Sat Sept 23! Dr. Lopes will be volunteering with the medical team during the week!

Will you be there? Come and check out this great event!

Learn 5 reasons why you should care about Invictus Games Toronto 2017