361° Family Feature Post: Michelle Bastone, RMT

It has been 2 weeks since we have seen each other’s faces! So we’re bringing our faces to you! Today’s @361clinic family feature is one of our Registered Massage Therapist (RMT), Michelle Bastone. She’s keeping busy with her other 2 jobs, putting together on-line classes for her Liberty Dance students as well as teaching theoretical lessons via Zoom meetings to her massage students at Oxford College of Arts, Business and Technology!

She’s enjoying this time to rest, rejuvenate and catch up on other projects. But she is looking forward to being back @361clinic.

Here are a few things you may have not known about Michelle:

➡️She’s been in practice for 13 years as a RMT
➡️She’s been working as a RMT @361clinic for 8 years
➡️She started her own dance school Liberty Dance in 2015
➡️She started to dance at the age of 7
➡️She has Registered Teacher Status with the Royal
Academy of Dance

We are so lucky to have Michelle here as part of our 361 family, and we look forward to more adventures together once our doors re-open!

Who’s waiting for a massage by Michelle?

UPDATE: We are extending our indefinite closure @361clinic from Mon. March 30th onwards

Just in case you needed a reminder as to what day it is, today is Saturday, March 28, 2020. You’re welcome!
We have weathered 2 weeks of this “COVID-break”, and we wanted to inform you that we will be extending our @361clinic closure up until Sat. April 5th. All appointments during that period have been cancelled.
We will be re-evaluating the situation on a week-to-week basis, and will inform you the second that we are allowed to re-open our doors.
Just as a reminder, if you have any health-related questions/concerns and/or if you have any emergent needs, Dr. Lopes is available. Reach out via email, social media or the good old phone!
Enjoy your last weekend of March!

@361clinic is temporarily CLOSED as of the afternoon of Mon. March 16th until further notice!

This may not be the “treat” you wanted to hear from Mel-eprechaun on this St. Patrick’s Day, but it was needed:

“Hi to our @361clinic family!

We hope that you are trying to make the most of your self-isolation time and possibly getting to things that you might have kept on the back burner!

As a result of the escalating cases of COVID-19, and under recommendations from both the College of Chiropractors of Ontario (CCO) & College of Registered Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO), they have both recommended to suspend all non-essential chiropractic & massage therapy services immediately.

We at 361° Chiropractic Sports & Wellness have made the decision to temporarily close as of the afternoon of Monday, March 16th until further notice. We hope to re-open on Monday, March 30th, but that is only an estimated date depending on how the situation evolves.

For those of you who were booked in between March 16th till March 28th (inclusive), you will receive an email to notify that your appointments have been cancelled.

If you are experiencing any acute/emergent pain, please feel free to contact the clinic by phone or via email, and we will try to help you and/or direct you on what can be done.

The health and well-being of our staff and patients are important to us, and we believe it is our responsibility to assist in “flattening the curve” with regard to transmission of this virus.

We will continue to monitor the CCO, CMTO as well as Canadian government health agencies. Any updates will be communicated through our website, e-newsletters, as well as social media.

We appreciate your patience and understanding during these unprecedented and trying times. We value you choosing us to provide you with the ONE degree of difference.

Stay healthy and keep on moving!

We look forward to welcoming you back,
Your friends at 361°”

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact the clinic via phone, email or through social media.

“For each petal on the shamrock, this brings your wish your way, Good Health, Good Luck and Happiness for today and everyday.”

How we @361clinic are dealing with COVID-19 & Learn ways in which you and your family can help cope

With everything that has transpired lately, we just wanted to remind our @361clinic family about the steps we are taking at the clinic, and using this time to remind you of the symptoms of what to look out for regarding COVID-19.

We encourage you to use this time off or work-from-home situation to your benefit:

*read a book
*catch up on Netflix
*do a workout at home
*do meal prep and/or try a new recipe
*clean the house
*appreciate slowing down
*catch up with family & friends over the phone
*play dress-up with your young kids and act out a story

Try these helpful tips as you enter into a new life routine during this period of COVID-19: https://www.theguardian.com/…/the-family-lockdown-guide-how…

Try these 3 stretches that target your SCALENE muscles in your neck


How many of you clench your jaw, are a shallow breather or purse your mouth when focused on a task? These actions can cause added strain to some of your neck muscles, including the SCALENES, which can lead to neck, upper back and pain referring into the upper limbs.

Try incorporating these 3 simple stretches to address the Anterior, Middle and Posterior Scalene muscles.

Follow the instructions below to stretch the RIGHT side of your scalenes:


* place your R hand behind your back aiming towards your left back pocket of your pants
* tilt your head back and to the L as you aim the right side of your neck up towards the ceiling


* with your R hand hold onto the seat of your chair or sit on your hand
* sit up straight
* use your L hand over top of your head and place it on the R side of your head
* using L hand, gently pull head over to your left, bringing your left ear towards your left shoulder


* place your R hand behind your back aiming towards your left back pocket of your pants
* use your L hand over top of your head and place it on the R side of your head
* using L hand, gently pull head down as if you were smelling your L armpit


***Repeat these 3 stretches on the other side of your neck to stretch the LEFT side

Let us know how it goes once you try these stretches out!

If you find yourself still feeling tight in the neck, upper back or upper limbs, feel free to check in @361clinic and we can help you figure out what’s going on and treat the issue.

Welcome our newest addition to the @361clinic family! Our 2nd RMT!

We would like to welcome Predrag Drzaljevic (referred to as “Pred” for short) as our newest Registered Massage Therapist [RMT] @361clinic! He will initially be working on Tuesdays and every other Saturdays to start with, as of March 3rd.

Pred graduated from the University College Birmingham (in the UK) with a Foundation Degree of Science in Sports Therapy in 2015. He has experience working as a Personal Trainer and Sports Therapist treating a vast array of clients, ranging from professional athletes to weekend warriors. In 2017, he graduated from the RMT program at the Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy. He has since worked in chiropractic & physiotherapy clinics, in hospitals, corporate settings as well as sporting events.

Currently, Pred is involved in treating patients with acute, chronic and autoimmune conditions, as well as post-operative care. The focus of his practice is preventative care, rehabilitation, education and empowering clients to take charge of their health, wellness and quality of life!

Pred balances life as a RMT with enjoying time with his wife and 2 kids (10 years old and 2 months old).

Pred’s first day will be on Tuesday, March 3rd! If you would like to book in for a massage, feel free to contact us: www.361clinic.com/contact/

We are happy to see our @361clinic familia grow to help us continue to provide the ONE degree of difference!

Not enough time in the day to stretch?

Have you ever been given exercises to help deal with an injury or prevent one from happening? The real question is, do you take the time to do those exercises? Do you feel like there’s not time in the day to do them?

One of our patients shared a photo of herself stretching while waiting for her flight at the airport. This was a nice reminder that we wanted to share with everyone, that you too can find a few minutes here and there to implement some movement in your day!

Here are some examples of times/places in your day that you may have not considered as a great place to stretch & move:

*waiting in line at the grocery store

*while enjoying a nice hot shower

*waiting for the bus/TTC

*waiting for your flight and/or if you’re in transit at the airport

*sitting in a meeting or in the classroom

Where are you squeezing in your movement during your day?


How often do you SMILE?

Do you need to practice smiling more often? One of Dr. Lopes’ classmates, Dr. Adam Bletsoe created a guided meditation entitled “Smile Practice [with music]”.

“Embody the naturally creative and healing energy of an authentic smile. From whatever state you may be in we can use a deep remembering of the inborn sense of contentment and peace to create that in our lives right now. Grow and nurture that sense in every cell, tissue and organ of the body. Take it with you into your day to help you summit the situations and circumstances before you.”

Click here to try the Smile Practice Guided Meditation

Enjoy the benefits of SMILING!

We hope this brings a SMILE to your face!

SAVE THE DATE & SAVE: Saturday, February 1st, 2020 at the Yonge St Running Room!

Thanks to the Yonge St. Running Room for helping us kick off February with a bang! Courtesy of @runningroom we would like to treat our @361clinic familia to a discount this Saturday, February 1st! Just tell the staff that you are part of the “361” family, and the discount will be applied!

The discount can apply for footwear, clothing, accessories, electronics, nutrition and more!

Happy Shopping!

Feeling some low back or buttock pain? Try this seated GLUTEUS MEDIUS stretch!

Have you been standing or seated for too long while at work today? Take a breather and try stretching out your GLUTEUS MEDIUS muscle, because it may be causing you some pain into your low back and/or buttock area.

*Sit with both feet flat on the floor
*Raise your R knee up and aim it towards your L shoulder
*Hug R knee into chest with one or both arms as you turn your torso to the right
*You should feel a stretch in the gluteus medius muscle as well as in through the low back
*Switch sides and repeat stretch with L knee into towards R shoulder